What you need to know about Semalt

Today, it is difficult to find a site owner who would not have heard of Semalt. Because in one way or another, people have to deal with SEO optimization. The website promotion in the search engine becomes the most discussed topic. Semalt has established itself as a leader in the website promotion and has been proving its superiority in this area for a decade.
These are not idle words, all facts were confirmed by the quantity indicator of successful projects completion. Hundreds of customers write positive feedback about working with us because their companies eventually began to prosper. All competitors were left far behind without a single chance to catch up with their position in the search engine. It becomes obvious that the SEO optimization is impossible without Semalt, this is our specialization where high-class professionals are taking charge. Besides, we don't have time to rest on our laurels, we improve our methods daily by offering customers innovative SEO technologies. We are evolving, and your business is developing together with us.
We must pay tribute to our team, consisting of experienced managers, IT specialists, SEO experts, copywriters and marketing managers. We can assure you right away, there's no room for dilettants at Semalt. Each specialist has extensive experience in SEO-promotion, able to think strategically and always focused on success.
Check out the real cases presented on our website. You will be struck by the number of sites we have pulled out of serious troubles. We work with any website and save them from imminent collapse. Perhaps, many people are interested in techniques and the principle of our work. This article will tell you how we manage to be in the high-end, and why Semalt is the only company that guarantees your success.
SEO features
The term SEO is used to refer to website optimization due to the requirements of the search engines. For example, after creating an online resource intended for the sale of a certain item or service, it is necessary to bring information about it to the maximum number of members of the target audience.
Even those users who are looking for such products or services will not be able to see them in the search results until the website is on the front pages of the search engine. You can achieve this with SEO optimization. Due to the fact that consumers are increasingly buying goods and services on the Internet, any business now needs a search promotion. 

All methods used for SEO promotion of a website in the global network are divided into external and internal methods. In the first case, operations are carried out using third-party online resources, the second — within the website. The main goal of external optimization is to publish its content outside the corporate website. This provides a lot of traffic and an acceptable source of links for the promoted website, as well as contributes to the improvement of positions in the search engine. Main directions of this type of promotion:
- registration in catalogues;
- publishing press releases and articles on other people's internet platforms.
Internal SEO optimization of the website includes the following types of work:
- creating unique and high-quality content;
- selecting the right keywords and posting them evenly in texts.
What Semalt offers
We have developed a set of measures aimed at increasing the traffic of your site and its visibility. These two necessary tasks define SEO promotion. To increase the efficiency of optimization, unique solutions have been created — AutoSEO and FullSEO. These are special campaigns with which you can achieve results in a much shorter period. Further, we'll consider them thoroughly, but now let's note what Semalt is doing indeed. Here are our main suggestions:
- search engine optimization;
- website analytics;
- web development;
- promotional video for your business.
AutoSEO campaign by Semalt
AutoSEO is a number of steps taken to put your website to the top position of the search engine. It's quite important to understand this method correctly. This is not a magic wand, but the purposeful actions of our company within the framework of the SEO-optimization. Believe, the presence of a pan does not guarantee a delicious soup, so the work is joined by experts of different specialities. AutoSEO campaign can only be productive through interactive customer's cooperation with the Semalt team. Here's what AutoSEO includes:
- selecting mostly appropriate keywords;
- website analysis;
- website research
- website error amendment;
- forming links to niche-related websites;
- ranking upgrade;
- customer support.
Now be patient and see how it looks in practice. It all starts with registration on our website. Next, everything is done by the site analyzer, which carefully checks the structure of the website according to SEO standards. You get all the necessary information in the form of reports with a list of errors that have to be fixed. Based on the analysis, the SEO engineer determines appropriate keywords that would increase website attendance traffic. 

The next step is to insert internet links into various online resources. Content must match links and carry semantic value. The process is constantly monitored by our manager, who tracks the position of links in the search engine. You will not have to worry about something, everything is under full control throughout the campaign. Online link resources are selected with great accuracy, so the probability of getting into irrelevant lists is excluded.
With access to FTP (File Transfer Protocol), Semalt specialists make certain changes that are displayed early on the website report. These changes lead to a website optimization process. Semalt's responsibilities at this stage include daily ranking update, by introducing new keywords that match the content. The advantage of AutoSEO is that the campaign is conducted with little or no user's involvement, but you stay up to date with everything that's going on. Monthly AutoSEO package costs $99.
What is FullSEO
In order to better understand this SEO optimization system, we offer you to familiarize yourself with FullSEO procedures, which are also aimed at increasing the website rating in the search engine. The difference with AutoSEO is that the result is achieved in a shorter time. The basis is an internal and external optimization, which is performed by an SEO specialist. As a result, the FullSEO campaign will allow not only to take a leading position in the market segment, but also to push the competitors far aback.
FullSEO campaign features
FullSEO campaign starts from the moment you sign up. A thorough analysis of the website structure is performed, with the issuance of a subsequent report. Next, an SEO expert makes a semantic resolution of your site, checks the configuration and identifies semantic core. As a result of the analysis, all errors that need to be corrected for further progress are identified. Then it's a turn to define proper keywords to increase traffic. Thus, the site gets internally optimized on all stages. After accessing FTP, the specialist will make the necessary changes that were specified in the report.
The further step will be external optimization. SEO professionals will put links into niche resources that reflect the essence of your content. Over time, these links will begin to bring positive results for the website. On the account of Semalt, there's a huge number of verified sites you can work with productively, all for the benefit of successful optimization of your site. FullSEO campaign is also under constant specialist's supervision, there is a periodic updating of keywords, if required. To keep you up to date with all the changes and growth in the site's rating, detailed reports on your website's status in the search engine are delivered. This process is going around the clock, so it is impossible to miss any important moment.
Sometimes it happens that for some reason you have to suspend SEO promotion. In this case, Google usually removes all backlinks from the data archive after a while. Rankings will naturally start to fall rapidly, but do not worry hard, they will stay in a certain position anyway. This position will be much higher than the one which was before running FullSEO campaign. In general, any SEO-optimization is individual, so it is difficult to determine the price of a FullSEO campaign before an SEO expert observes your website in detail.
What is Analytics
Semalt also offers SEO optimization through Analytics. In other words, it is a service for a detailed audit of the website with the creation of a detailed report. Note that in addition to the audit of the target site, it analyzes competitors' sites, collecting keywords to optimize the semantic core of the website, as well as building a ranking of competing brands. Analytics provides the following:
- keyword proposal;
- keyword ranking;
- brand monitoring;
- keywords position analysis;
- competitors explorer;
- website analyzer.
The collection of analytical data begins as soon as you register on our website. This happens automatically, whenever you complete your data collection, you get a report that clearly presents the real position of your website. Competitors' sites are analyzed as well, and you too receive all the information about their position. SEO standards are taken into account while creating a site structure, so you get up-to-date changes to your configuration if you need to.
If you already have a valid account, you can add any amount of sites to your personal cabinet. All sites will be identically analyzed. The initial analysis shows what keywords to use. The system selects only relevant to content keywords. That is, all words will have a beneficial effect on the growth of site attendance. You may delete or add other keywords at your discretion.
Convenience is that we analyze the site and monitor its progress around the clock. It is important to collect information about your competitors. You're always aware of everything that's going on their sites, and Analytics tells you what action needs to be taken to surpass a competitor in the search engine. You can use Application Programming Interface (API), this is very preferable among users because the data is synchronized automatically, allowing to keep an eye on every update. There are three tariff packages available in this category of services:
- STANDARD — $69 per month (300 keywords, 3 projects, 3 months position history);
- PROFESSIONAL — $99 per month (1 000 keywords, 10 projects, 1-year position history);
- PREMIUM — $249 per month (10 000 keywords, unlimited projects).
In Web Development, Semalt suggests a comprehensive solution implying full development of any commercial site, and designing its components:
- design;
- integration with third-party applications;
- Content Management System;
- specialized e-commerce modules;
- API.
Promotional Videos Production
The obligatory element of marketing schemes implemented while launching large commercial Internet projects is a video that summarizes the essence and benefits of the new company. As part of the “Promotional Video Production” service Semalt suggests two ways to create such videos:
- by template;
- by individual decision (price is calculated separately).
The transition to the payment function is made from descriptions of tariff packages, through a click on the “Subscribe” button. Buying the tariff package can be produced in any national currency. The switch selector is located in the upper part of the payment form.
After all of the above, it is very difficult to doubt the effectiveness of the SEO optimization by Semalt methods. Maybe there appeared additional questions because the article could not cover all the nuances of such a serious matter. Therefore, it's better to contact the company without delay. The sooner Semalt hears from you, the faster you'll get rich. We're waiting for you!